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The Crusades were Reactionary
in History

By FascismFascism 338 Pts
The Christian Crusades were a reaction to the Muslim Crusades on Christendom. 

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  • 'Reactionary' in politics refers to right-wing conservative political agenda just so you know. It's a slang term that you are using wrongly here.

    If you mean 'reactive' then you are somewhat correct. All wars are in their own way reactive.
  • FascismFascism 338 Pts
    edited March 2018
    @someone234 ;
  • The Crusades were not a reaction to Islam in the Levant. They were conceived by Pope Urbanos II as he was dethroned by the Antipope and he needed to obtain the support of Catholicism so he summoned a council in Toulouse. He proposed the Crusades as a way to retake Jerusalem from "The Seljuk Tyrants" who actually were just a Turkic Empire who took Jerusalem from the already Islamic Abbasid Caliphate. Catholics were told their sins would be absolved in the cause of Christendom as long as they fought in Jerusalem. This Crusade was successful as multiple Crusader States were erected in the Levant. The second Crusade was a massive failure as the Seljuks retook Jerusalem and the Third Crusade was actually in Iberia against the Almoravids who took control of it from a fractured Moorish Iberia. The Crusades after that were either Northern, Useless or Missed their target.
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